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IPRA123 Online Course 

Derived from traditional Chinese acupuncture, IPRA123 is a game changingtherapeutic approach to reducing or curing joint and muscle pain disorders.​In most cases, immediate and significant pain relief will occur.However, several treatments will be required in most cases to achieve the desiredtherapeutic effect.

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The origins of the method trace back to the "Yellow Emperor's Medical Classics,"a foundational text in Chinese medicine. Within this text, a chapter titled"Guanzhen" documents 26 special techniques, among which is "Zhizhen Ci." This ancient technique bears a striking resemblance to IPRA123. The method involves holding the skin with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, inserting the needle into the skin, and then advancing it diagonally toward the painful point.It is compelling to consider that Zhizhen Ci, a technique from thousands of years ago, closely parallels the modern IPRA123.




Despite being abandoned for centuries, there is now a renewed interest in reviving this traditional approach and restoring acupuncture to its esteemed status. One might wonder why such an effective treatment method fell out of use. It appears that the ancient techniques employed bulky needles which likely caused significant pain during and possibly after the procedure, leading to their gradual abandonment. Additional two primary sources that influenced the emergence and development of IPRA123 are the FSN (Fu's Subcutaneous Needling) treatment method and Kinesotaping.

The FSN method


The FSN Method developed by Dr. Zhonghua Fu, involves a unique approach where the therapist usesa specialized needle and tool for insertion. In this technique, the needle is inserted into the subcutaneous layer between the skin and the muscle at an angle of 15 to 25 degrees and is manipulated in a windscreen wiper motion. Impressed by the effectiveness of the FSN method, Zohar Steg, the founder of IPRA123, sought to adapt it into a more user-friendly approach for both therapists and patients by utilizing traditional acupuncture needles.



The main differences between the FSN and IPRA123methods include:


  • The theory is different

  • The way of inserting the needle is different.

  • The manipulation of the needle is different

  • Traditional Chinese acupuncture is based

  • on many complex theories of Chinese

  • medicine.​

  • The IPRA123 treatment method places more emphasis on the anatomy and physiology of the body and is easy to understand and apply.


Kinesiotape is a popular treatment method involvingthe application of coloured, elastic plaster strips tovarious areas of the body.
Developed around thirtyyears ago by Kenzo Kase, a Japanese Americanchiropractor, kinesiotape gained widespreadrecognition during the 2008 Summer Olympics inBeijing.
The technique was devised based on theunderstanding that most joint pain originates in themuscles or connective tissues (myofascial).

The five primary objectives of kinesiotape are:

  1. To restore the skin to its original tension level.

  2. To return the muscle to its original tension level.

  3. To enhance lymphatic and blood flow.

  4. To provide a comforting sensation on the body, similar to instinctively placing a hand on a painful area after an injury.

  5. To relieve pain as a result of these effects.

In the IPRA123 process, the use of kinesiotape serves asa complementary treatment to earlier stages, helping tomaintain the space created by the needle between theskin and the muscle. The kinesiotape should be worn forabout five days, or until the day before the next scheduledtreatment, whichever comes first.

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IPRA123 targets the TMM (tendinous-muscle meridians)areas, primarily addressing muscle and joint pain.



Additionally, it may positively impact various non-painfuldisorders, including numbness, tingling, joint stiffness, andmuscle tension.


There are several basic principles on which the method is based on:

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Fascia is a general name for a system of soft tissues that wraps all the human body's muscles, bones, and organs. Fascia is an elastic material made ofloose and dense collagen and fatty tissue that connects all the tissues, like a shrink wrap.



Between the different fascia layers,there is a lubricant liquid that allowssmooth movement of the fascia layersone above the other.

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The main functions of fascia are:

  • Anchoring the tissues in place


  • The separation between the different tissues - boundaries


  • Transmission continued movement between the various tissues (muscles, bones, tendons, etc.)


  • Participates in the movement of internal organs


  • Enables reception of the position of the body in space, with the help of receptors scattered over it


  • The number of sensors in the fascia is many times greater than those in the muscles.Posture – Stability

What are the main causes of fascia injury?

  • Age


  • Physical injury such as: fracture,sprain, stretch, etc


  • Surgeries


  • Repeated loads


  • Immobility


  • Inflammations


  • Poor nutrition

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Despite various similarities in the choice of medical aids and the performance of the technique, IPRA123 should be clearly distinguished from similar methods. The performance of dry needling might seem similar to that of IPRA123.


However, unlike IPRA123, this technique is grounded in Western anatomical and neurophysiological principles and is not directly related tothe TCM.


Furthermore, the issued tissue in the therapy is the muscle and not the facia. IPRA123 honors its foundation in the TCM and acupuncture, yet classical concepts of Chinese acupuncture, such as meridian, acupuncture points,yin-Yang and chi are not used. Thus, this method of therapy should be differentiated from Chinese acupuncture.

1. The theory is different


2. The way of inserting the needle is different


3. The manipulation of the needle is different


4. As the Traditional Chinese acupuncture is based on many complex theories ofChinese medicine, the theory of IPRA123 treatment method is more simplified


Anadvanced understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body is critical, andthe technique is easy to apply

In most cases an immediate pain reduction and improvement in range of motion willbe observed within the first therapy session. This relief is usually felt after the firstneedle manipulation and continues with the additional manipulations, whilecombining active movements of the relevant joints and muscles. After a successfultreatment an improvement in range of 30 to 100% is estimated. This physicalcondition does usually last between a few hours to several days. Full healing mightbe achieved already after the first session. A more substantial improvement ispredicted by the third treatment.

The initial series of treatments, from the first to the third, is considered the "test" range. If no improvement is observed bythe end of the third treatment, the likelihood of success decreases significantly. At this point, it is advisable toconsider alternative treatment methods. Normally, a great improvement, to full recovery will be achieved within six treatments. In some cases, maintenance treatments will be recommended at different time intervals after the sixth treatment.

Finally, IPRA123 treatment is a time- andcost-saving for patients, as a rapidtherapeutic effect can be achieved withfewer treatments than traditionalacupuncture, physiotherapy, and manyother pain treatment methods used today

IPRA123 is generally a very safe treatment method, akin to traditional acupuncture. However, it may have sideeffects, such as light local bleeding, dizziness, and rarely fainting. A description of relevant safety measures is provided in the following chapter.IPRA123 demonstrates both short-term and long-term efficacy in treating most muscle and joint pain. Nevertheless, themethod’s efficiency was not yet proven in relation with pain associated with malignant tumours and nerve diseases, such as trigeminal neuralgia and post-herpetic pain from Herpes zoster. In these cases, the therapeutic effect may be limited to short-term relief, if any.

Most patients are highly impressed by the therapist's dedication to the treatment and the rapid results it yields in many cases. Additionally, this treatment can potentially eliminate the need for surgery in certain instances.

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The requirements of the practice ofIPRA123:

  • Theoretical and practical education in IPRA123 is required


  • A valid TCM practician certification

Disadvantages of the method

The method is not suitable for long-term relief of pain caused by malignant tumours.


The needle manipulations may cause discomfort and sometimes even pain to the patient


A singular session will usually not suffice for a permanent improvement


In comparison to a session of traditional Chinese acupuncture, the therapist should dedicate more of his time and energy.


• Stainless steel needles



The IPRA123 needles are crafted from stainless steel and feature a high-qualityfinish with a silicone coating for enhanced comfort. They are ideally sized at 0.30 x0.30 and come individually packaged, and designed for single use to ensure safetyand hygiene.


• Kinesiotape – Discussed in the chapter “The emergence and origin of IPRA123”

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The Therapeutic Process:

The standard treatment typically involves weekly sessions. However, in acute cases,treatments may occur twice a week. Each session generally lasts between 40 to 60minutes.Here’s what the treatment process typically looks like in practice:

  • Conducting an initial assessment, which includes questioning the patient and examining joint movements related to the pathology


  • Identifying the "affected" muscle, which is a muscle exhibiting relatively high tension and has a direct or indirect connection to the painful area



  • Disinfecting the area before inserting the needle into the subcutaneous layer above the affected muscle



  • Performing the initial needle manipulation (counting to 15)


  • Manipulate the needle while the patient performs joint movements with resistance from agonistic muscles(counting to 10)​

  • Repeating the last two manipulations to enhance the therapeutic effect


  • Evaluating the immediate level of improvement after the manipulations.If necessary, perform additional manipulations to achieve further improvement, aiming for at least a 30%improvement from the manipulation stages



  • Taping the needles if the treatmentrequires the patient to lie on them.



  • Ask the patient to return to a lyingposition and rest with the needles inplace for approximately 20 to 30minutes



  • Removing the needles at the end of the session.Applying Kinesio tape with a 20 to 30 percent stretch over the area where the needles were positioned to support continued healing


The preferred position for conducting the treatment is with the patient lying on their stomach or back. Lying on the side is considered the second-best option. In certain cases, treatment can be administered while the patient is sitting, and occasionally even standing, particularly when joint and muscle movements are integrated with the manipulation.Once the manipulation is complete, the patient should be placed in a supine position and rest with the needles still in place. This position supports optimal relaxation and effectiveness of the treatment during this phase.


The selection of the acupuncture point is based on the current condition of themuscle during treatment, making the description of the point area general rather thanprecise. This can vary from one session to another. To maintain consistency indocumentation from treatment to treatment, we utilize traditional acupuncture pointnames with the addition of the letter "I" to describe these areas.


For instance,"Ibl21" indicates that the needle is inserted in the bl21 area, but this does not refer to thetraditional function of the point. When acupuncture is performed on only one side, the location is further specified by adding "Rt:" for the right side or "Lt:" for the left side, such as "Lt: Ibl21." An example of acupuncture treatment applied to both sides of the upper back and the right lower back would be noted as "Itw15, Rt: Ibl21." This system helps in accurately tracking and replicating the treatment areas over multiple sessions.

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